Bruns Court Pedestrian Overcrossing Project

Project Description
About the Project
The Bruns Court Pedestrian Overcrossing (POC) was originally constructed in 1956. As the aging POC approaches the end of its useful life, the Caltrans Office of Earthquake Engineering has determined that the bridge needs to be brought up to current design standards. The existing bridge is not able to be seismically retrofitted, as it has a nonstandard vertical clearance and Americans with Disability Act (ADA) non-compliant features. Instead, our goal is to address the seismic performance of the POC and maintain connectivity for pedestrians between Bruns Court and Montclair Park on Moraga Avenue by replacing the existing POC with one of the following proposed alternatives.
POC Build Alternative 2
This bridge replacement alternative consists of three major components:
An on-ground pedestrian ramp near Bruns Court on the west side of State Route (SR)-13
A main precast concrete girder bridge
A reinforced concrete switchback ramp on the east side of SR-13
The proposed approach from Bruns Court will be an on-ground pedestrian path. At the end of the on-ground pedestrian path, the main bridge deck will span across SR-13 followed by a switchback ramp structure, which will then touch down in the area between SR-13 and Moraga Avenue. A traffic control device will be placed at the crosswalk at Moraga Avenue. Figure 1-4 provides a conceptual map showing an overview of the main improvements under Build Alternative 2 and their locations within the Project area. The on-ground pedestrian path, bridge, and switchback structure are shown in black, with the traffic control device in yellow.
Figure 1-4: Alternative 2
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Alternative 2 - Existing Conditions
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Alternative 2 - Proposed Conditions
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POC Build Alternative 3a and 3b
Similar to Alternative 2, this bridge replacement includes an on-ground pedestrian ramp near Bruns Court on the west side of SR-13 and a main precast concrete girder bridge. However, this alternative will place a touchdown ramp along the east side of Moraga Avenue. A connecting path will be constructed between the end of the touchdown ramp and an existing path in Montclair Park.
There are two options for this Alternative. Alternative 3a will create space for the touchdown ramp by removing parking spaces along the east side of Moraga Avenue, while Alternative 3b will create space for the touchdown ramp by utilizing a road diet to remove two driving lanes from Moraga Avenue. Figures 1-5 and 1-6 provide maps showing an overview of the main improvements under Build Alternative 3a and 3b and their locations within the Project area. The pedestrian ramp, bridge, and touchdown ramp are shown in black, while the connecting path is shown in green. The altered lanes along Moraga Avenue are shown in gray and purple.
In previous iterations of the Project, this alternative was originally defined as Alternative 3 and utilized a switchback structure within Montclair Park rather than the touchdown ramp included in the new Alternatives 3a and 3b. The former Alternative 3 was significantly modified into its current form to minimize impact to the park.
Figure 1-5: Alternative 3a
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Alternative 3a/b - Existing Conditions
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Figure 1-6: Alternative 3b
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Alternative 3a/b - Proposed Conditions
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POC Build Alternative 4
This alternative will remove the existing bridge but not replace it. Pedestrian traffic will be diverted to the nearby La Salle Avenue Overcrossing, which is approximately 800 feet south of the Bruns Court POC, as an alternate route for pedestrians to cross SR-13. Alternative 4 will improve the local street facilities along La Salle Avenue and Moraga Avenue. It is anticipated that the local street improvements will be performed in partnership with the City of Oakland. Figure 1-7 provides a map showing an overview of the main improvements under Build Alternative 4 and their locations within the Project area.
Figure 1-7: Alternative 4
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