U.S. 101 Tamalpais Drive Overcrossing

Purpose and Need
The purpose of this Project is to upgrade the existing pedestrian facilities to provide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant access across U.S. Highway 101 at Tamalpais Drive Overcrossing, seismic improvements and repairs, and maintenance of the existing structure.
This Project is needed because the existing pedestrian infrastructure within the Project area is not compliant with current State and Federal ADA regulations. The Project is also needed because the structure is at risk of seismic failure because it cannot be fully inspected. Repairs and rehabilitation of the overcrossing (OC) are being completed to satisfy maintenance plans for the state highway system within the Project area.
Project Location
The U.S. Highway 101 (U.S. 101) corridor, within the Project area, and extending beyond, is a north-south route that begins at the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge and ends at the State Route (SR) 128 interchange in Sonoma County. The corridor is 82 miles long and is mainly a freeway with a section of expressway between Novato and Petaluma. It serves as the lifeline for local, regional, and statewide commute and movement of goods through Marin and Sonoma counties. In Marin County, U.S. 101 travels through major urban centers including Sausalito, Corte Madera, San Rafael and Novato, and intersects SR 128, SR 1, SR 37, SR 131 and Interstate 580.
The Project is located within Marin County at the location of U.S. 101 and Tamalpais Drive Overcrossing, in the City of Corte Madera, post mile (PM) 7.37.
Click on the image below to see a larger version.
Figure 1-1 Project Location