San Mateo State Route 1
Safety Barrier Project

Project Alternatives
Please see the information below to learn more about the Project Alternatives
Common Features for the Build Alternatives
The following features would be included in the project with the selection of either Build Alternative:
All existing nonstandard metal-beam guardrail (MBGR) would be replaced with standard Midwest Guardrail System (MGS) or safety barrier.
Existing temporary safety barrier (K rail) would be replaced with safety barriers at three locations.
Retaining walls and safety barriers would be installed at multiple locations.
Existing regulatory (white color) and warning (yellow color) signs would be upgraded to current standards.
Preferred Alternative
Alternative 1
Under Build Alternative 1, all existing nonstandard MBGR would be replaced with new MGS and new safety barriers (either CB Type 85 [see-through] or California ST 75 [see-through]) would be installed with no shoulder widening.
Existing MBGR and K rail would be replaced with MGS.
New safety barriers would be installed at locations that currently do not have safety barriers.
The maximum foundation dimensions for the new safety barriers would be 3 feet deep by 3 feet, 2 inches wide.
A minimum 3 foot horizontal clearance from the outside face of the safety barrier to the shoulder backing hinge point would be provided.
Existing parapet walls would be removed to a depth of 1 foot, 8 inches below the existing edge of shoulder elevation. The top of the existing wall would be replaced with the proposed safety barrier.
The existing substandard shoulder width would stay approximately the same.
Alternatives Considered but Rejected from Further Consideration
Alternative 2
Under Build Alternative 2, all existing nonstandard MBGR would be replaced with new MGS, and new safety barriers (either CB Type 85 [see-through] or California ST 75 [see-through]) would be installed. In addition, the existing shoulder would be widened to a minimum of 5 feet in some locations to meet the standard horizontal clearances from the inside face of the new safety barrier to the existing edge of the traveled way (i.e. pavement).
Where necessary, existing parapet walls would be removed to a depth of 1 foot 8 inches below the existing edge of shoulder elevation.
To accommodate shoulder widening, soldier pile retaining walls would be constructed at some locations. They would range from 5 to 20 feet high. The solider pile walls would require cast-in-drilled-hole (CIDH) piles, which would be drilled to a depth of 15 to 40 feet with timber lagging connecting the piles. On top of the soldier pile walls, a 1 foot-8 inch-deep by a maximum 10 foot-wide concrete slab would be constructed.
No Build Alternative
Under the No Build Alternative, the existing barriers would remain unchanged. The No Build Alternative would not address the purpose and need of the project. If no action is taken, there would be continued risk that vehicles may drive off the highway, causing severe injury or death to the motorists/passengers or maintenance workers.

Simulation of MGS at Locations 10 and 11

Simulation of CB Type 85 at Location 3

Simulation of Type ST-75 at Location 6