State Route 131 Capital Preventative Maintenance Project
Culvert Rehabilitation Project

Purpose and Need
The purpose of this Project is to improve the serviceability and ride quality of SR 131 and restore existing drainage systems to reduce the potential for highway flooding and damage. In addition, the Project would enhance complete streets and support active modes of transportation by bridging a gap in the transportation network and improving bicycle access throughout the Project footprint.
Throughout the Project footprint the existing pavement exhibits moderate to frequent rutting, aggregate raveling, potholing, and surface cracking. If left uncorrected, the asphalt pavement on SR 131 would lead to major deterioration and require roadway rehabilitation.
Due to Design Information Bulletin 81-02 and Asset Management guidelines in SHOPP, this Project includes upgrades of existing curb ramps to current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards which include installation of new curb ramps where they are needed and improvements to existing Caltrans facilities (multi-assets) within the Project footprint.
Asset Management is being implemented to satisfy the requirements of Streets & Highways Code Section 164.6, Senate Bill 486, and Executive Order 30-15. Asset Management activities include improving existing safety features, upgrading signage, improving pavement delineation, rehabilitating drainage facilities, and modifying electrical systems.
Additionally, the Caltrans District 4 Bike Plan (2018), Marin County Unincorporated Area Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (2018), the Town of Tiburon’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (2016), and the Town of Tiburon Bay Trail Gap Study (2012) identify a major gap in the overall active transportation network on SR 131 between East Strawberry Drive and Greenwood Cove Drive (approximately one block in length). Construction of a Class IV or Class I bicycle lane connection is identified as a need in these plans and has been acknowledged as a “Top Tier” priority in the Caltrans District 4 Bike Plan.